"In January, the judge turned down the wife’s request for a speedy divorce, saying that the husband’s behavior was not an unreasonable hardship because they were both Moroccan. “In this cultural background,” she wrote, “it is not unusual that the husband uses physical punishment against the wife.”Cultural relativism and ignorance at their absolute worst.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A judge in Germany refused to give a woman who was being beaten by her husband a speedy divorce because Muslim women should be accustomed to abuse.

Who: Carmen
xx-something egyptia-yorker who's spent over half her life stuck in two worlds not of her own making. unable and unwilling to fully embrace one identity over the other, she created (is trying to create) her own place in the world where people love each other unconditionally, irrespective of artificial boundaries, and where dancing merengue is as necessary to life as breathing air.
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Rambling Hal
Whisper of Madness
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The difference between men and women
Female judges
Spring Forward
The Polyandry Fatwa
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A quoi ça sert l’amour?
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The difference between men and women
Female judges
Spring Forward
The Polyandry Fatwa
Why I love NYC
Snow Day
A quoi ça sert l’amour?
Oink Oink!
My Breast Friends, part II

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