I know a lot of people who are able to reset their internal clocks and I've always envied them. Me, I can't do that. I'm addicted to my creature comforts - mess with them and you mess with your life. Toots gave me this shout-out once:
"Fierce...like a snarling wolverine, especially if you slight her a) gender b) friends c) the weak and the ugly. The plus side is you know she has your back. What's intriguing is that she's as sweet as a hostess twinkie and just as soft...if you can ever get past the snarling wolverine bit. Generous to a fault, curious mind and all about her creature comforts: mess with her food, her sleep or her head and she will engage 'cranky' mode and you'll be sucked in like a fishing boat in a whirlpool..."

Right now I'm EXHAUSTED. But it's too early to sleep!! If I get myself into bed right now I'll toss all night. Grrrr.